We now offer Term Time Only funding. See our Fees & Funding pages to learn more!

Yes, many nurseries, including Jack & Jill’s Nursery in Hemel Hempstead, remain open during school holidays, unlike primary schools which typically close. Nurseries often provide year-round childcare to support working families who require consistent care.

A survey by Coram Family and Childcare found that 51% of local authorities reported sufficient year-round nursery places in 2023. This highlights the growing demand for full-time childcare.

Do Nurseries Open In School Holidays?

Indeed many nurseries remain open during the annual school holidays. Most nurseries operate their usual hours during holidays, such as 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM at Jack & Jill’s. Some may offer flexible hours or half-day options to accommodate parents’ varying needs.

Staffing levels are maintained to ensure children receive the same high-quality care. At Jack & Jill’s, we plan staff schedules in advance to cover holiday periods efficiently.


Do All Nurseries Stay Open in Holidays?

While many private nurseries stay open, some pre-schools and school-attached nurseries may follow the school calendar and close. It is always best to check with your specific nursery.

Attending nursery during holidays maintains a routine and offers children a chance to engage with peers. Consistent attendance can help develop social skills and reduce anxiety about transitions.

Why Do Nurseries Stay Open?

Private nurseries like Jack & Jill’s understand that many parents work year-round and cannot take extended time off during school holidays. Keeping nurseries open provides essential support for working families.

Many nurseries offer additional sessions or extended hours if parents need extra support. Jack & Jill’s provides flexible options to accommodate busy family schedules.

What About Bank Holidays?

Nurseries generally close on bank holidays, including Jack & Jill’s Nursery, which gives both staff and families time to rest. These closures are usually communicated well in advance.

Do Holiday Periods Affect Fees?

Fees typically remain the same during school holidays as most nurseries charge monthly, spreading costs equally across the year. According to the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA), the average nursery fee in the UK is around £14,000 per year.

Are Activities Different During Holidays?

Nurseries often adapt their activities during holidays to create a more relaxed and fun atmosphere. Jack & Jill’s may incorporate more outdoor play, creative arts and themed days during breaks.

Do Parents Need to Book Holiday Care Separately?

Most nurseries include holiday care within their standard provision, so no separate booking is required. However, parents should inform nurseries of any planned absences.

What Happens If My Nursery Closes During Holidays?

If your nursery follows term times, you may need alternative childcare, such as holiday clubs, childminders or family support. Planning ahead can help reduce stress.

Can I Take My Child Out Of Nursery During School Holidays?

Parents are free to take children out for family holidays or breaks. It is courteous to inform the nursery in advance to help with planning.


Is There Financial Support for Holiday Care?

Government funding, such as 15 or 30 free hours for three- and four-year-olds, is often available during holidays. Universal Credit can also help cover up to 85% of childcare costs.

The Bottom Line

Nurseries like Jack & Jill’s in Hemel Hempstead play a vital role by offering year-round childcare, including during school holidays. This provides stability for children and invaluable support for working parents.

Parents can feel confident that their children are in a safe, stimulating environment while they work. Access to reliable childcare also helps reduce the stress of balancing work and family life.